An autumn leaf in a child's hand

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Foundation – Our Learning This Week - 30th September

Have a look at some of exciting learning opportunities available this week in Foundation.

Understanding the world:
Across the school, our topic this term is 'diversity'. We will be continuing to explore what makes us special. We will continue to use the vocabulary 'same' and 'different'. To celebrate what makes us unique, this week we will be creating our very own self-portrait. We will be using mirrors to explore our faces and make careful marks on our page.

Literacy and Mark Making area:
This week we are exploring the story 'It's ok to be different' by Todd Parr.

In the enhanced provision, there is an opportunity to use the fancy dress and props to create our own 'It's ok to...' sentence. Here we will be working on our speaking and listening skills.

"It's ok to have grey hair."
"Its ok to wear glasses."

In maths this week, we are exploring measurement. We will begin by comparing length using the vocabulary: long, longest, short and shortest. Then we will learn about comparing weight using the vocabulary: heavy, heaviest, light and lightest. Finally we will look at capacity and describe the contents of a container using the vocabulary: full, empty, half full, half empty, nearly full and nearly empty.

heavy and light moon rocks

We used drainpipes and cars to measure how far they travel.

Sensory table:
This week we have play dough, spaghetti and cereal. Our challenge is to make spiky hedgehogs and thread the cereal onto the spaghetti. We will also be thinking about how we feel when faced with a challenge. We will be thinking about what it means to be a Resilient Lion and what we need to do when we make a mistake or something goes wrong.

Wonder Wednesday

During our Wonder Wednesday Session, we found out that scientists ask questions and look. Like a scientist we asked the question: why do we need to wash our hands? We began by talking to our friends and sharing what we already know. We talked about germs and how they could make us feel. Outside we used glitter to observe (look carefully) how germs travel. We imagined we sneezed in our hands and sprinkled glitter to show the germs. Then we played with our friends. Quickly the glitter spread to different objects and to our friends. The ‘germs’ (glitter) stayed on our hands until we washed them. Finally, we learnt a song to make sure we washed our hands properly.

Forest Thursday

This week we went into the woods and explored all around the woodland area. We collected lots of leaves and had fun finding helicopters from the trees and watching them fly. We then went on a nature walk, listening to all the sounds we could hear whilst we were walking. We finished off our lesson with the story ‘ We’re going on Bear hunt’ and everyone completed the actions.

Some of the children have enjoyed putting on a concert this week. We have had beautiful perfomances of 'twinkle, twinkle' and 'jingle bells'.

We always follow the children's lead; this week we have seen lots of Curious Cats. We ask questions to find out new information. This week we found an interesting beatle in our outdoor area. We used the magnifying glasses to observe it closely, used our adjectives to describe it and researched more about beetles.

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