We are passionate about providing a broad and balanced curriculum, which enables children to develop lively and enquiring minds in a rich, stimulating atmosphere.
Our learning culture and climate
At Thornbury we create a happy, welcoming and inclusive climate, where there is mutual respect, a sense of fairness, and where we strive to be all we can be.
Our learning community
We are an understanding, forward thinking community, working together for the benefit of all. We foster a sense of responsibility for ourselves, others, our school, and the wider world.
Our learning curriculum
We enable children to be literate and numerate, having strong subject knowledge, skills and understanding. We develop ‘learning to learn’ skills (metacognition), also enabling children to discuss their thoughts and feelings. We help children to keep themselves safe, including online. This approach ensures readiness for Secondary School and ultimately the wider world.
Further Curriculum Information
We aim to prepare children for the real world, whilst at the same time protecting their right to the very special time of childhood. We do this by linking the curriculum to real life wherever possible, making learning enjoyable, and by fostering a sense of responsibility for the self, others, our school, and the wider world. We work closely with other education providers in the area, and are able to draw on specialist help if required. We provide every opportunity for children to develop creativity, an enquiring mind, and the ability to solve problems.
Our staff work as a team to provide an all-round education, in which your child is highly valued. We welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with you as you join our school family. We encourage children and adults to see themselves as lifelong learners. We do this by providing a rich and exciting curriculum, as well as paying particular attention to basic skills. We foster a 'have a go' attitude, where children can realise that trying and sometimes failing can be a valuable learning experience. We hope you will ask your child about what they are learning, and help them to celebrate success and overcome difficulties.