An autumn leaf in a child's hand

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Foundation - Our Learning This Week - 7th October

Have a look at some of the learning taking place in Foundation this week!

In maths this week, we are have been exploring patterns.

We found out that patterns can be both visual and auditory (involving sound).

We explored where patterns can be seen in the environment. Such as patterns on clothes, checks or stripes, or different patterns around school and at home.

We have further developed our knowledge of patterns by exploring repeating patterns both in the lessons and the enhanced provision.

In the Water Tray, the socks needed a need a wash. The children worked together to match the patterns on the socks and peg them to the washing line. This was also an opportunity to work on our fine motor skills.

In the Creative Area, the children could create their own simple or repeating pattern by printing with natural objects or shapes. The children can choose which colours and whether they would like to print or paint.

In the Malleable Area the children could explore the Play-dough creating and making different patterns. The children could use different skills to make different shapes in the play-dough such a rolls or spirals. The children could make patterns using shape, colour or both!

In the Fine Motor Area the children could use different tools to copy a pattern or create their own patterns.

in the cntratuction Area, we loved using the duple to make pattern towers. We even enjoyed colouring our own tower patterns.

The Maths turf tray was one of our faviourite. We loved using the bears to copy patterns but we loved the challenge of making our own!

We made repeating patterns using lots of different resources!

Outside we coulduse the chalk to draw repeating patterns on the floor. This is a great opportunity to practise our big drawing and mark making skills. Or we could use the instruments to create a repeating pattern.

In Forest Thursday, we consolidated our maths learning from this week and created our own simple and repeating pattern’s. Everyone was Focussed Foxes and Creative Squirrels. We finished our session with a story outside.

Linked to our whole school diversity unit, this week we have been creating our own self-portraits.

We began by exploring the artwork of some famous painters. We noticed that they were all paintings of people and faces. We found this is called a portrait.

We looked at the paintings and discussed our likes and dislikes.

Our teachers then told us all about the paints we were going to be using. We found out they are called watercolour paint and we need to add water to make the work. We noticed our colour was brighter when we had less water and lighter when we had more water.

Our challenge was to paint a background with colours to show how we are feeling (linked to The Colour Monster).

The next day, we used mirrors to closely observe the lines and shapes on our faces. We used fine-liners to carefully draw or portraits. We can't wait to put these on display for everyone to see.

There has been lots of mystery in Foundation this week.

On Monday we noticed a new painting on one of our displays.

We asked:
- Who is he?
- What is he doing?
- Why is it on our wall?
- Where did it come from?

On Tuesday we found a new package, wrapped and addressed to us.
We opened it to find a new book inside!

The book was called 'The Word Collector' by Peter H. Reynolds.

We loved listening to the story.

We found out that the boy is called Jerome and this book was all about the power of words.

Some people collect stamps. Some people collect coins. Some people collect art. And Jerome? Jerome collected words . . . In this book, a little boy discovers the magic of the words all around him—short and sweet words, complicated words, words that stand out. But one day his carefully curated collection of words gets messy, and that’s when Jerome discovers that words that connect, transform and empower. So Jerome starts using his words, and that’s when they become powerful.

We have decided to collect our own words. When we hear or use any new vocabulary we are going to add it to Jerome's washing line on our wall. By the end of the school year we hope to have filled our wall with all our new learning and all our powerful words.

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