An autumn leaf in a child's hand

News and Updates

At Thornbury, we believe that every child has the potential to achieve great things. That's why we are committed to providing a dynamic, supportive learning environment that helps our pupils thrive.

Learning Outside

A key part of our weekly timetable in Foundation is ‘Welly Wednesday’. Come rain or shine the children put on their waterproof suits and take their learning outside.

Our activities always link to our current learning in a fun and engaging way.

So far this year we have:

- made clay faces on trees

- made Diwali fire sticks.

- made a variety of bird feeders (great for developing our fine motor skills)

- been on a autumn hunt

- made collaborative artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

- painted in puddles

- been on a proposition hunt (linked to maths)

- used the huts to tell friends the story of the little red hen.

- made clay hedgehogs

- built dens inspired by the three little pigs.

- churned butter

- made repeating patterns in natural objects.

- traced our friends shadows.

And so much more.

What will we be doing outside next term?

Diwali Firestiicks
clay faces
puddle painting and colour mixing
Churring butter
Story telling
den building
clay faces
reperating patterns
churring butter
Andy Goldsworthy inspired art
Preposition hunt
Autumn hunt
clay hedgehogs
clay hedgehogs
Diwali fire sticks
bird feeders
Andy Goldsworthy inspired art
bird feeders
puddle painting and colour mixing
puddle painting and colour mixing
clay faces
clay faces
bird feeders
story telling
repeating patterns
prepositional language
bird feeders
bird feeders
den building
bird feeders
bird feeders
Churrning butter and eating our bread rolls.

Want to know more?

You can find much more about Connect Primary School throughout our website. Or if you have any questions for us, please feel welcome to ask.

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