An autumn leaf in a child's hand

News and Updates

At Thornbury, we believe that every child has the potential to achieve great things. That's why we are committed to providing a dynamic, supportive learning environment that helps our pupils thrive.

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are pleased to announce our new Autumn Term 1 extra-curricular clubs’ programme. You will notice that there is a football dominance this year. After a pupil survey last year, it was clear to see that the majority of children requested extracurricular football clubs. I trialled a whole year of a girl’s football club last year, which allowed the girls to feel as part of a team, which was again the positive feedback from the children. This year, Miss Aisbitt and Mr Holmwood, alongside Mrs Summerfield, will run football clubs throughout the whole year, to provide KS2 with these football opportunities. Children will need to be signed up each term, even if they are returning, to allow lots of children with the opportunity to attend these clubs. Alongside this, we will as always do our best to provide as much variety as possible.

Club spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you would like your child to attend the club, you must book online via the Arbour App, and in doing so, will consent to the Thornbury Clubs Protocol on the next page. Please note, there will be no need to hand in a consent form, as staff have access to emergency contacts etc already.

Thornbury Autumn 1 clubs will run for 5 weeks on the following dates;

Weeks commencing September 16th, September 23rd, September 30th, 7th October 14th October.

*Kidslingo Information for Foundation and KS1 Parents

After receiving positive feedback from our summer club, we have again decided to offer a Foundation and KS1 Kidslingo club at lunchtime. Kidslingo are a local company who deliver French classes in school through song, games, actions, storytelling and drama. More information can be found at: Kidslingo can provide 30-minute lunchtime classes and can offer 20 spaces on each session. These classes will cost £5.50 per session and are booked and paid for on a half termly basis. All bookings are made through Kidslingo directly. Please follow the links below to register for this club. You do not need to use Arbor to register for this club. Spaces will be allocated on a first-come-first serve basis and the booking system will stop when we have reached our capacity.

Kidslingo links to book: (scroll down until you see Thornbury’s Thursday club). Please note that clubs run by external providers are not supported directly by Thornbury staff however, staff are always on site.

If attending an after-school session, Year 1 and 2 children will be collected from the Drama Hall doors. Year 3,4,5 and 6 will be collected from their normal doors. We assume all children will be collected by an adult, even if they usually walk home alone. If your child will be walking home from clubs alone, please email the admin team on

There are a set number of places for each year group and once these have all been booked via the Arbor app, you will no longer be able to sign your child up for their year group club night. The Arbor app sign up option will go live on 12th September at 6:30pm and will close on 13th September at 18.30am. Please only select one option. Please be aware that if you have paid for your child to attend the Sunshine Club, for example from 3.15 -5.15pm, you will still be charged for the two hours even if your child is attending an after-school club, as the Sunshine Club has the responsibility of your child after school and before you collect them. Please also be aware that when collecting your child after clubs at 4.15pm the schools gates will be locked except for the front gate onto the Upper Junior playground. If your child is attending after school club on the club’s night, please book onto After School Club as normal. If your child is attending an after-school sports activity, please send their PE kit into school on this day. As you know we have a code of conduct for clubs and this has been amended, in the light of use. So below is the new protocol for after school activities. I hope you will help us by supporting it.

Protocol for school activities– Autumn 2024

When children join an activity, they have to agree to attend regularly and behave appropriately.

If your child misbehaves, they will be dealt with in the following manner.


Child is told off once; if they continue to misbehave, they are given a warning that if they are spoken to again during that session they will be sent to another space until the session finishes. A letter will be sent, or a phone call made to the parents informing them of this decision.


If negative behaviour is repeated the following week they will be treated as for stage 1 but will not be allowed to attend their chosen club for the remainder of the term. A letter will be sent, or a phone call made to the parents informing them of this decision.


Children, when they sign up, are expected to attend all sessions during the term. However, if a child needs to miss a club session for a good reason, we need confirmation of this, via email, from a parent, otherwise we will assume they are staying and will keep them in school with us. Children know they must not leave a club without a note as above. Likewise, we need a written note if they no longer wish to continue, otherwise if they are missing, we waste time looking for them.

Please remember, by signing your child up to a club on Arbor, you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions and are consenting for your child to attend club’s night on the dates above.

We look forward to seeing many children at extra-curricular clubs very soon.

Mrs Summerfield

Want to know more?

You can find much more about Connect Primary School throughout our website. Or if you have any questions for us, please feel welcome to ask.

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