An autumn leaf in a child's hand

News and Updates

At Thornbury, we believe that every child has the potential to achieve great things. That's why we are committed to providing a dynamic, supportive learning environment that helps our pupils thrive.

Dear Parents and Carers,

New Foundation are doing really well with their settling sessions, and are delightful, as are our new children in other year groups. We are also so pleased that our new staff have settled so well.

Thank you for supporting our uniform policy - the children look very smart.

Our exciting new is that Mrs Bee had a happy arrival, a baby girl, in the summer holiday, Mother and baby doing well. Congratulations to the family!

Christmas Fayre/ Friends of Thornbury

Sorry for mentioning this word so early, but it would be great if we could have some volunteers for the Friends of Thornbury group.

Things go in cycles - a number of our parent volunteers have become staff, and others have moved on to more work hours, but please do have a think about whether you could get involved. This could be in a small way - for example, sitting at home wrapping bran tub prizes, or in school helping with fayre prep or other events. For some, volunteering is about hearing readers - all of these are very welcome as it's an opportunity to give back to the school as a whole. In the past, when we had a larger group, we were able to share people out across events, so not demanding too much of any one person. Events have included the fayres, organising the year group parties, bingo, games and crafts, and a carol and hot chocolate session.

Anyone interested, would have to go through our volunteer recruitment process - a discussion with myself, and paperwork, including a new enhanced DBS, and we always get a character reference too. You must be an advocate for the school as a whole, as this is an important role in our school community. Do email or give the office a call if this might interest you. Thank you.

Prospective Children and Parents (For application to Foundation Sept 2025)

We provide tours for parents considering Thornbury. The dates we have planned at the moment are:

Stay and play dates:

  • 9:30-10:30 - 25th September
  • 9:30-10:30 - 2nd October
  • 9:30-10:30 - 10th October
  • 1:30 - 2:30 - 24th October
  • 9:30-10:30 - 4nd December
  • 9:30-10:30 - 11th December
  • 9:30-10:30 - 8th January

Parent only evening tour:

  • 5 - 6pm - 5th November

Saturday parent only tour:

  • 9:30-10:30 - 16th November

Please do let friends or neighbours know - contact the school office to book a place.

Dates : Please see dates for this term below, to give you the heads up. (Please note change to two of the Christmas Performance dates).

Warm wishes

Mrs Hardisty

Upcoming Dates

Mon 16th Sept     Y5 Dartmoor Trip

Tues 17th Sept     Attendance Officer visiting school

Mon 23rd Sept Individual school photographs

Thurs 26th Sept    European Languages Day (Not a parent event)

                 5.15 - 6.30 Y5/6 Party and 5.30- 6.30 Year 5/6 Parent welcome meeting - all encouraged to attend

Weds 2nd Oct    Y3/4 Party ( as for Y5/6 times above) plus parent meeting

Thurs 10th Oct    Foundation/ Y1/ Y2 welcome evening (no party)

Thurs 10th Oct     Y5 Assembly - Harvest - 9.15

11th - 13th Oct      Grenville House Residential

Thurs 24th Oct      Last day for Pupils

Half Term

Monday 4th Nov    First Day Back for children

Friday 8th Nov      Y6 Remembrance Assembly 9.15 - Y6 parents and Thornbury services families welcome

Weds 13th/ Thurs 14th - Parents evenings

Weds 20th Nov     Y1/2 party 3.15 - 4.30

Weds 27th Nov     Open Morning - 1 parent per pupil (but 8 places per class only available)

Thursday 28th       Other schools to visit Thornbury to look at practice

Thurs 5th Dec      Christmas Fayre

December Xmas Performances

Fri 13th           Foundation Nativity 9:30 and 2pm (This is a change from Mrs Mantell's first email!!)

Mon 16th          Y5/6 9:30 and 5pm (This is a change from Mrs Mantell's first email)

Tue 17th           Y1/2 9:30 and 2pm

Wed 18th          Y3/4 9:30 and 5pm

Thurs 19th         FS/KS1 Xmas Lunch/ Jumpers, KS2 Jacket potatoes and film

Fri 20th          Carol Service (Led by KS2 Choir) 9.30

      KS2 Xmas Lunch/ Jumpers, FS/KS1 Jacket potatoes and film

      Last day of term - NB: No After School Club on this Day.

Want to know more?

You can find much more about Connect Primary School throughout our website. Or if you have any questions for us, please feel welcome to ask.

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