An autumn leaf in a child's hand

News and Updates

At Thornbury, we believe that every child has the potential to achieve great things. That's why we are committed to providing a dynamic, supportive learning environment that helps our pupils thrive.

Our First Celebration Assembly

This afternoon, Mrs Mantell hosted the first celebration assembly.

During the assembly, Mrs Mantell told the school all about the new awards they can work towards.

Children will be receiving individual awards for Class Dojo points. They will receive certificates for 25, 50 and 75 points. When your child reaches 100 points they will receive a certificate and an invitation to wear mufti on a day of their choice in the following week. There will also be certificates awarded for the Reader, Writer and Mathematician of the week. The names of these pupils will be celebrated within this newsletter (if permission has been given on consent forms). We will also be awarding a Friendship Cup for the winner to take home over the weekend and return to school on the Monday. There will be an Attendance Cup which the winning year group will get to keep and display for the week.

A huge congratulations to Year 2 Mrs Rule and Year 5 Mrs Scott's Class for winning the Attendance Cup this week!
Want to know more?

You can find much more about Connect Primary School throughout our website. Or if you have any questions for us, please feel welcome to ask.

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