A message from our governing body
Welcome to Thornbury Primary School from all the Governors. We hope that you and your children will enjoy being part of our school family during the time you are with us.
We will look forward to seeing you at the many events which the school hosts across the year. We welcome all the help and support that so many of our parents are able to give to the school, in a variety of ways. If you would like to join in, in any way, we are always happy to see new parents join as volunteers, so please find out how you could be involved.
As a Governing body we watch the progress of our children, from their Early Years’ days, right through to Year 6. When we attend the Y6 Leavers' service, we are always pleased to hear the individual comments made about each child, which shows how they are seen as unique and valued. The children's presentations confirm that they have enjoyed their years at our school, as well as showing how much they have learned, and how they have been inspired. We see them leaving us, as young citizens, confident to take on the new challenges at Year 7; having fulfilled their primary journey.
We see Thornbury’s vision continuing to motivate all our children, as they move into each new year group, (and ultimately Key Stage 3); ready to work hard and to develop their many varied achievements, academic, practical, sporting and many more. The Animal Aces help our children to be rounded individuals, able to work together, play together, and having a good work ethic, and a moral compass. We know these Thornbury values go with them when they leave us.
All successes and achievements are recognised, developed, acknowledged and encouraged by our wonderful staff team; teachers and teaching assistants alike. Everyone has a major part in ensuring our children are safe, happy, nurtured and will reach their full potential for them. This is done with the constant support and extremely hard work of our headteacher, Mrs Hardisty, who keeps us regularly informed about all areas of school life. We are fully involved with all aspects of each school year. Additionally, we have support from being part of the ‘’Connect’’ Academy Trust, which we joined in 2016. We are now an eight school Academy Trust, with all staff working to share skills, knowledge and expertise about planning, and offering ideas to enhance the quality of education which we all provide. This is done whilst still embracing the unique and individual characteristics of our own schools. At Thornbury we are very proud of our Speech and Language unit, which provides really quality experiences for children from across the city. The children are integrated into our classes, as well as having the specialist provision.
We are happy to provide any help which you may need, at any point, whilst you are with us, so feel free to contact us, through school, should you wish to discuss anything.
Very best wishes to all our parents, carers and friends across the school community.
Lynn Smith (Chair of Governors)
Members of the Local Governing Body
- Emma Mantell
Chair of Governors
- Lynn Smith
Vice Chair of Governors
- Rachel Confue
Staff Governor
- Joanna Stelmaszczyk
Community Governors
- Carole Burgoyne
- Leah Farrow
Parent Governors
- Keith Smithers
- Kelly Walsh
Clerk to Governors
- Vacancy