At Thornbury, we recognise that we have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are our pupils.
This means that we have a Child Protection Policy and procedures in place.
All staff including our volunteers and supply staff ensure that they are aware of our procedures. Parents and carers are welcome to read these policies on request.
The school has an open and supportive climate, whereby children are encouraged to have a voice. Pastoral care is a key part of our provision. Children are encouraged to share any concerns they have, and staff are trained to have a ‘listening ear’.
Our school will therefore:
- Create and maintain an ethos whereby children feel they have a voice, and understand their right to be kept safe and secure
- Ensure that children know which adults they could speak to if they have a concern
- Ensure that the curriculum actively promotes these principles, and the knowledge and understanding to empower children to help them stay safe
- Make every effort to forge strong relationships with parents and carers
- Seek specialist advice where appropriate
- Work with other agencies to promote pupil wellbeing and safety
- Operate effective recruitment procedures
- Provide regular training for all staff, governors, and volunteers
Roles and Responsibilities
All adults working with or on behalf of children have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This includes a responsibility to be alert to possible abuse and to record and report concerns to staff identified with child protection responsibilities within the school.
There are, however, key people within the school and the Local Authority who have specific responsibilities. The names of those carrying these responsibilities for the current year are listed below.
The name of the Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Emma Mantell
The names of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead are:
Caroline Coppola
The names of the link Nominated Safeguarding Governors are:
Rachel Confue and Carole Burgoyne
The name of the Designated Teacher for Children in Care is:
Kelly Potts