Our School Day & School Organisation

Find all the information you need to understand how our school is structured, what our daily routines look like, and how we support out pupils' learning and development.

We know that as a parent, your time is precious, so we've put together this page to give you a quick overview of the key facts and figures, as well as links to more detailed information if you need it.

Pupil admission number and number of children

Our school currently has 288 pupils on roll, with a Pupil Admission Number (PAN) of 45. With 4 additional places, per year group, for children within our language support centre.

School structure

Our school is structured into separate year groups, from Reception to Year 6, each with its own dedicated teachers and staff. Our class sizes are small, with an average of 23 students per class, which allows us to provide personalised and focused attention to each student. With the open plan nature of our school building, we are able to work flexibly across departments, allowing children at times to work collaboratively across year groups.

Nursery provision

Honeyshute Day Nursery, situated next door to Thornbury Primary School, offers provision for 2-5 year olds to give them a flying start before they enter their formal school years. You can contact them at :enquiries@honeyshutechildcare.co.uk to find out more.

School clubs

We offer a wide range of school clubs and activities, which provide our students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and make friends. Our clubs range from sports teams and music ensembles to language clubs, and are open to all students.

School timings

Our school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:15, with breaks and lunchtime scheduled throughout the day. Our timings are designed to optimise learning and give students ample time to engage in physical activities, socialise with peers, and recharge.

Our lunchtimes are scheduled as followed:

·       Reception: 11:45 - 1:15

·       Year 1 & 2: 12:00 – 1:15

·       Year 3 & 4: 12:15 - 1:15

·       Year 5 & 6: 12:15 - 1:15

Wrap around care

We are delighted to be able to offer a popular breakfast and afterschool club.

Breakfast Club.

Our club provides the perfect start to the school day with a range of fun activities and breakfast options. If you would like your child to attend breakfast club, please book in a place through the Arbor App or alternatively, speak with the admin team in the school office.

Breakfast club sessions are available every morning from 7:30am.

At the end of the club, our staff will ensure that your child is taken to their class to register for the beginning of the school day.

After School Club

We run extended childcare every day during term time from 3:15pm to 6pm.

This facility is open for all pupils from Foundation to Year 6 who are members of the school family. The children take part in a range of fun activities using the indoor and outdoor facilities. Children are provided with hot food, which is included in the price. This menu is changed every 2 weeks and offers options such as: pasta bake with garlic bread, pizza, beans on toast, nachos, chicken or quorn burgers. Staff, serving food, have a Food Hygiene certification.  

How can we help?

If you would like to ask us about what Thornbury offers, we’d be happy to answer your questions.

Get in touch