Year 5

We believe that Year 5 is a year of great resilience and collaboration, and we're here to support your child every step of the way. Here you will find out more about our dedicated teaching team, our engaging curriculum, and the home learning that will keep your child on track.

About this class

Year 5

In Year 5, children continue to develop themselves and their areas of interest as we deepen our learning within a broad and balanced curriculum. If you would like to contact your child's class teacher, you are welcome to talk to them at drop off and pick up times or contact them at the school email address. 

General Information

What do I need to bring to school? 

School Bag:

All children require a school bag which they will need to bring every day.

Water bottle:

All children to bring a clear plastic, medium sized, bottle of water. Please can we ask for no metal bottles. 

Fruit & Snack:

All children in Year 5 are invited to bring a piece of fruit from home for their morning playtime snack if they wish.  On Fridays, we are happy for this to be a fruit-based snack (yoghurt covered raisins etc) as an end of week treat. 


If you would like your child to have a carton of milk at snack time, please order this through

Important information

PE Days:

Tuesday and Wednesday


In school, we complete a range of reading activities throughout the week, including having a class book/s ongoing and a weekly book club session. The focus for these are continually extending the children’s sight vocabulary, developing reading fluency and comprehension of texts read. We are passionate about children developing a love of reading; we ask that families read with, hear their children read or encourage their child to read independently for the equivalent of approx. 1 and ½ hours weekly. We also value parent/ carer comments and parents signing their child’s reading diary. In KS2 the children should be regularly reflecting on the books they read in their reading diary.

Home Learning: 

Home Learning will be sent home every Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Home learning will be a mixture of Maths, Literacy and Spellings. 


Spellings will be given on a Friday and be tested the following Friday.

Beat Your Score/Numeracy Ninja: 

If you wish to practise at home, ‘Beat Your Score’ sheets can be found on the right side of this page. 

Online Resources: 

You will find your login details for the following site at the front of your reading diary. 

My Maths:

Times Tables Rockstars:

Spelling Shed:

Language Angels:

Curriculum- Yearly overview of topics

Topics Covered Throughout the Year:

  • Autumn Term: Just Like Me, Just Like You (diversity) / The UK and Beyond
  • Spring Term: Exploration and quests / Civilisations
  • Summer Term: Civilisation

Autumn Term:

More information coming soon.

Spring Term:

More information coming soon.

Summer Term:

More information coming soon.

Meet the team

Mrs Emma Mantell

Mrs Emma Mantell

Head Teacher / Maths Lead / Safeguarding Lead
Miss Emily Trevarthen

Miss Emily Trevarthen

Mrs Emmeline Scott

Mrs Emmeline Scott

Mrs Karen Chard

Mrs Karen Chard

Teaching Assistant
Mrs Rachel Confue

Mrs Rachel Confue

Teaching Assistant

Latest class blog post

How can we help?

If there's anything else you'd like to know or need guidance with, we're here.

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