About this class
Year 1
In Year 1, children begin to develop themselves and their areas of interest as we extend our learning within a broad and balanced curriculum. If you would like to contact your child's class teacher, you are welcome to talk to them at drop off and pick up times or contact them at the school email address.
General Information
What do I need to bring to school?
Book Bag
All children require a book bag which they will need to bring every day.
Water bottle
All children to bring a clear plastic, medium sized, bottle of water. Please can we ask for no metal bottles.
Fruit & Snack:
All children in Year 1 are provided with one piece of fruit per day. However, children are invited to bring a piece of fruit from home for their morning playtime snack if they wish.
If you would like your child to have a carton of milk at snack time, please order this through www.coolmilk.com.
Important information
PE Days:
- Monday and Friday
Children will come to school in their P.E kits on P.E days. Please ensure earrings are out or taped up before they come to school, and long hair is tied back.
Reading & Phonics
We are passionate about children learning to read; we ask that families read with and hear their children read at least 5 days a week and record this by signing their child’s reading record.
Reading books will be changed: Monday
All children will have phonics lessons every day. We follow the ELS scheme (Essential Letters and Sounds) for more information please see our Literacy page.
Home learning
Homework will be sent home every Thursday and will need to be returned the following Tuesday. Homework will be a mixture of Maths, Literacy or Project tasks. The majority of Maths homework will be on My Maths, login details can be found in their homework folders.
Spellings will be given on a Thursday and be tested the following Thursday.
Beat Your Score:
If you wish to practise at home, your ‘Beat Your Score’ sheets can be found on the right side of this page.
Online Resources:
You will find your login details for the following site at the front of your reading diary.
My Maths: www.mymaths.co.uk
NumBots: www.numbots.com
Curriculum- Yearly overview of topics
Topics Covered Throughout the Year:
Autumn Term: Just like me, just like you (diversity), Festivals and celebrations
Spring Term: Home Sweet Home
Summer Term: Fire of London, Understanding the World (Hot vs Cold)
Autumn Term:
In Maths this term we will be learning to read and write numbers to 10. We will look at Place Value within 10 and addition and subtraction within 10. We will also be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
In English, we will be exploring a range of texts including: ‘Oi Frog’ by Kes Gray. We will also be learning about non-chronological texts linked to our mental health project. We continue to explore different texts highlighting SPAG.
Our Science focus this term is materials. We will learn:
- how to distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
- to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock.
- to describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.
- compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties
- to identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials for particular uses.
- how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
We will also begin to explore the seasonal changes and complete activities linked to Autumn. We will revisit this work later in the year to make comparisons with the other seasons.
PSHE- Our first Topic this term is ‘Family and relationships’. This is where we discover the importance of looking at our relationships and well being through our PSHE lessons. We will also be learning about understanding our feelings, health and wellbeing, stereotypes and friendships. Closer to Christmas, we will begin to learn about health and wellbeing.
Linked to our mental health unit, in Art we will begin the year by exploring the artist Henri Matisse and using line to create our own self portrait.
In R.E we will be looking at the Christian celebrations and why they matter to Christians. We will also be exploring the questions’ ‘What is the good news that Christians say Jesus brings.’
In the second part of the Autumn term, in our History, we will be learning about different generations. We will be looking at changes within living memory and what has changed between children, parents and grandparents, e.g., Toys, books, holidays, clothes etc
In our weekly computing sessions, we are learning how to use technology around us. We will also be covering e-safety to ensure that children are safe on the internet.
Close to the end of the second term, we will have two collapsed days to focus on DT. This will be creating moving toys with mechanisms. We will send more information closer to the time, but children will require a box to complete the project.
Tuesday 17th December Christmas performance
Thursday 19th December will be our Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day.
Spring term:
The Spring term is a busy term for the children!
Our Literacy texts will be The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch - this will involve the children creating their own way to trick the seagulls and help Mr Grinling eat his delicious lunch!
The second text of the term will be The Disgusting Sandwich, we will be exploring the instructions of making a sandwich and then the children will put their creative hats on and create their own gross sandwiches!
In Maths this term our units will be focusing on place value to 20, addition and subtraction within 20, place value within 50, length and height, mass and volume. We will use Numberblocks to help support the children's understanding of tens and ones.
To support your child's maths at home, please use Numbots to help secure the children's number bonds to 10.
Our focus for the Spring term is Home Sweet Home, in geography we have been exploring our local area, Estover, our houses and creating maps around the school grounds and creating a key to help us understand our maps. We will also be celebrating St Patrick's day and St David's day and learning about how people of Ireland and Wales celebrate!
In our Science lesson this term we will be exploring plants and seeing how pants grow. The children will dig plants and explore the features of a plant. They will also look at different types of leaves and create some leaf rubbings!
Our RE learning this term is all about the Muslim faith, and how Muslims celebrate. Within this we will discuss who Allah is to a Muslim and explore some of the 99 names that a Muslim might call Allah. We will also explore the 5 pillars of the Muslim faith. Also in R.E we will be learning about why Easter is important to Christians.
Our PE this term will be fundamental skills on a Monday and on a Friday gymnastics. The children will be exploring key skills such as running, hopping, jumping.
In Music we have been learning about rhythm and beat in the Polish song- Tanczymy Labada. We have explored body percussion and using simple tuned instruments.
In PSHE, we look at Safety and the Changing Body. Here we look at hazards around the home, talking to adults and medicines before learning about our bodies and using correct language to talk about our bodies.
In Design Technology, Year 1 and 2 learn about structures in the Spring term. We explore different types of structures like bridges and buildings. Then learn about different methods of attachment before putting what we have learnt into action by making a structure fit for our class teddies.
In Art, we are going to be explore the artwork of local artist Brian Pollard. We will explore how he uses bright colours and create our own vivid landscapes of local landmarks inspired by his work.
Keep an eye out on class Dojo to see some of our wonderful learning in action!
Summer term:
Year 1 will be looking at multiplication and division, fractions, place value, money, time and position. These will be through a combination of concrete resources, group work and independent learning.
In Literacy, We will be looking at a range of texts, including Tell me a Dragon (a poetry unit), narrative stories like Katie in London and Duffy's Lucky Escape and a instruction text- How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. We will be looking at areas of grammar, punctuation and spellings.
Hopefully the weather warms up in the Summer term, as we will be learning about hot and cold climates in our Geography. We will be looking at the differences between the climates of Africa vs Arctic and their relation to the equator.
In Science, we will be looking at Animals and their habitats. Here we will explore different climates and how animals are adapted to live in them. We will look at lots of different habitats, big and small.
In DT Year 1 and 2 will be focusing on the last strand of DT- nutrition. We will be making bread rolls and adding flavour to them. We will be making them for someone else's tastes- not our own.
In RE, we will look at the Islam, through stories about the Prophet Muhammed and exploring the ways the Muslims live. We will also look more generally at what makes some places sacred to believers.
Our focus for the Summer term is The Great Fire of London. We will explore this in History where we will investigate how the fire started, the historical figures and the events surround it.
Our Music will also follow The Great Fire of London theme. We will be exploring how to compose a musical piece, using tuned instruments such as xylophones and glockenspiels.
In PE Year 1 and 2 will be focusing on striking and fielding games and ball skills. This will build on our target games and sending and receiving units from earlier in the year. We will always be building on our fundamental multi-skills to help improve our fitness.
In PSHE, we will be learning about citizenship and economic well-being, giving us the skills to be a well-rounded individual, looking at the feelings of belonging- how we are the same but different. Then we will look to the wider world and look at members of the community.
The children will be making lino- style prints in Art, linked with our hot and cold climate learning. We will focus on traditional Inuit artists and create mono-prints using ink.
Year 1 and 2 will be focusing on data and information and programming in Computing, Year 2 will be making pictograms with information they have gathered. They will be Connecting Spiders as they use learning from their Maths statistics unit. The children will also use tablets to programme quizzes.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see our latest work! or have a look at the 'news and updates' page for exciting news from across the whole school.